Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Secondary searching

Which secondary school will you be attending?

What time does the school start and finish?

What is the uniform like?

How long will it take you to get to school?

How many subjects will you study?

How often will you be given homework?

Will you learn a language?

Which clubs might you join?

What are you most looking forward to about your new school?

Monday, 6 June 2016

Sixes speak Spanish!

This term we will be having spanish lessons!

What information do you know about the Spanish language and the places where it is spoken as a first language?
Why do you think it could be useful for you to learn Spanish?
What sorts of things would you like to learn how to say in Spanish?

Body banter

This term we shall be returning to science and our topic of the human body.

Look at the image below. Which parts of the human body can you identify? Do you know their functions? Which part of the image would you most like to explore?